Monday, April 14, 2014

Sustainable Strategies For the Integrated Design Process.

     When an interior designer is part of team that is developing a sustainable design it is important to recognize each role everyone plays in the team. Starting with management. Management is responsible for ensuring that the sustainable attributes of the built environment, like construction, are properly implemented, operate effectively, and are well maintained. The next team involved is the pre-design team.  During this stage the design team should establish polices and procedures for facilitating communication and decision-making. One essential part of this stage includes the collaboration stage where the team members will sit down and discuss what they know about sustainability and how to apply it to the project. Having diverse team members including diverse interest, motivations, and opinions is necessary so every basis is covered. Next is the programing phase that includes two parts: gathering relevant information and then analyzing the data collected. During the programing phase questions like the requirements from the client, an analysis of the area and site of the building, initial budget and life cycle costs, and current codes and regulations are addressed. Next is one of the most creative stages, the schematic design phase. Interior designers can contribute a great deal to this, as they understand the necessary requirements of interiors and how they affect those occupying the space. During the schematic design phase the team will look at the site plan and brainstorm ways for a building to interact with it’s surrounding.  Other solutions the design team will look at are the exploration of water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality.  The overall purpose of this stage is to explore all solutions for the project. During this phase the design team should also focus on ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials and resources. The next phase is the design development stage. This is where the designers will create detailed drawings and specifications. When the designers present these detailed drawings and specifications they should focus on sustainability and its importance to current and future generations. Emphasizing this not only to the client but also to the contractors should encourage the involvement of the contractors and venders to the commitment of sustainability.

            After the initial design and building process there is maintenance and requirements to ensure a buildings sustainability. The designers should constantly monitor any substitutions that may occur during the progression of the building process or after the building process. This is to make sure that sustainable practices and changes are applied accurately. The design team should also provide the client and the occupants with a variety of documents related to operating and maintaining a sustainable environment. This is for the occupants to better understand sustainability and the interaction between the building they are occupying and sustainable practices. This is also for the client to understand sustainable maintenance practices that should be administered over a buildings lifetime.

*Information received from: Sustainable design for interior environments . (2nd ed.). Fairchild Books.

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