Monday, March 31, 2014

Regulations, Programs, and Organizations.

            The whole world has started to address sustainability in some way. Either through recognizing there needs to be a change or actually establishing change governments, organizations, and agencies have been developing policies, laws, regulations, and building codes regarding sustainable practices. One regulation that is the basis for protecting the environment is NEPA or the Nation Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Some main goals of this act include preventing or eliminated damage to the environment and biosphere, to stimulate health and welfare of people, to Enright the understanding of ecological systems and the importance of natural resources, and to establish the council on Environmental Quality. As sustainability encompasses so many aspects I will further explore acts, laws, and regulations that affect sustainability.
            Water and energy are two very important components that have a large impact on a buildings ability to be sustainable. The Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1977 and the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 are two of the most important legislations created to protect the quality of water. They strive to eliminate the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters, provide the protection and propagation for fish shellfish, and wildlife, provide for recreation in and on the water, and prohibit the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. It is important to be aware of this act as an interior designer as you may be working with a business that discharges pollutants and you must be aware if they are doing so in water. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) of 1975 introduced a array of important federal environmental legislation related to energy conservation. Including a national energy plan in the United States stating to encourage energy conservation and efficiency, promote alternative and renewable energy sources, reduce dependency on foreign sources of energy, increase domestic production, modernize the electricity grid, and encourage the expansion of nuclear energy.  Interior designers can be aware of the energy crisis, incorporate energy efficient practices into a design and in return help prevents crisis in the United States and around the world.
            Not only do the United States address energy and the environment in their legislation, the United Nations is an excellent resource for initiation environmental programs. The UN has an UN Environmental Program (UNEP), which helps coordinate a global environmental assessment process. Another international sources are the World Green Building Council (World GBC). The World GBC has a vision that, “through leadership collaboration, the global construction industry will transform traditional building practices and fully adopt sustainability as means by which our environments thrive, economies prosper, and societies grow to ensure the future health of our planet”. World GBC also partners with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development that promotes and finds solutions to achieve a zero-net energy challenge.
            There are so many agencies, organizations, programs, and legislation around the world and locally. It is important for interior designers to be aware of these practices to not only incorporate into their designs but also work with business and companies that promote these practices. In order to achieve a sustainable world every person needs to recognize, act, and practice sustainable practices in their everyday lives and businesses.

*Information received from: Sustainable design for interior environments . (2nd ed.). Fairchild Books.

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